Exante is a Cryptocurrency liquidity provider that supports FIX API trading
Design and run algorithms directly on your hardware
Access 50+ markets from your environment
Quickly relay large chunks of data, boost execution
Enjoy 24/7 multilingual support
Get normalised data from all exchanges
Employ custom API requests
Enjoy full freedom of trading on your end
Whatever your hardware and computing resources, trade with ease right from your server! Implement a wealth of new trading strategies with your own software and equipment.
Their platform makes use of the latest trends in the world of technology. It is perfect for traders, brokers, asset managers and analysts.
The EXANTE trading platform provides instant access to all financial markets and instruments available from a single multi-currency account. This means that any of the 300,000+ assets are only a couple of clicks away from you. The platform works on every device: trade on the web, from a desktop application on Windows, MacOS or Linux, or right from your iOS or Android smartphone.
They have created a network of over 750 servers all around the world to ensure the lowest latencies and safe data transfers.
To algorithmic traders they offer the opportunity to trade via FIX API. They support a FIX 4.4-based API that enables data transfer, quote retrieval and full-scale trading automation. Enjoy the opportunities the automation offers. Do not limit yourself by using the trading UI only.
EXANTE is licensed by CySEC to provide financial services to retail and corporate clients, including trading and investment.